Wednesday 19 March 2014

Day 21 (19/3/14)

Today Im grateful for having been born as a woman into a society where I have the freedom to choose how and where I want to spend my time, whom I want to fall in love with, be able to work to support myself, have the time and money to be able to be creative.
I have the freedom to be creative and explore this personal drive of mine, and that's such a gift.  Its nice to really see the luck in my situation and be sincerely grateful for it.
(and on a side note, I made the candle pictured above.   Isn't it cute!) 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Day 20 (18/3/14)

This image is part of a collaboration between myself and a number of designers with photographer Katelyn from Gypsy Moth Sol.  Today I want to share my gratitude for where my creativity has been taking me this year.  I feel like by naming 2014 my Year of Creativity back in January, I have opened myself up to so many amazing opportunities and the doors are just opening.  Im so grateful for all the awesome artists that I am getting to know through social media and other means.  Im so excited to collaborate further with other artists in the near future and see what awesome things can be done! 

Monday 17 March 2014

Day 19 (17/3/14)

On my way home from work today I popped into my local IGA Supermarket and stumbled upon this glorious site! These beautiful herbal teas, Pukka teas, have made it all the way from my UK home town of Bristol England! I had to buy these ones, as I have such fond memories of sipping LOVE Pukka teas in Bristol with my beautiful friends and dreaming up plans and schemes.  I spent much of the evening surfing through my Bristol friends' photos on Facebook and catching up on their lives from a far.  Melbourne really feels like home, but Im so grateful for my UK home too! I love BRISTOL! 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 18 (16/3/14)

This.  This is the perfect start to a Sunday.  Im so grateful for this gentle soul snoozing next to me.  Im so grateful for the love and care and support that he gives me every moment.  We have so much fun together <3 He definitely adds a happy glow to my days! 

Saturday 15 March 2014

Day 17 (15/3/14)

Today Im grateful for getting up and going for a morning run in the park.  It was so beautiful and sunshiny, a few other runners, some cute little pups excitedly going for their morning walks.  Such a lovely start to a lovely day.  Today was the kind of Saturday that you wish for mid week....morning run, breaky out with my love, friends BBQ and playing Lawn Bowls and then an evening trying out a new jacket pattern that came together perfectly.  So much gratitude for today <3 

Friday 14 March 2014

Day 16 (14/03/14)

Tonight Im grateful for the flood of creative energy that is washing through me.  I can see so many possibilities, so many things to create, and my mind is so preoccupied with ideas of setting up my own business that it is sometimes such a relief when I remember to just rest here- be in the here-and-now.  

Thursday 13 March 2014

Day 15 (13/03/14)

Im so grateful for today <3 Im grateful for getting some extra hours at my sewing job with Cheeky Britches and being paid to sew all morning.  Im grateful for spending my afternoon knitting away and watching Series 2 of Castle back to back for hours.  Im grateful for my beloved gent coming for an evening run with me around the park, laughing and joking together and him giving me tips on barefoot running.  Im grateful for having dinner together at Green's and there just happening to be a street party next to the cafe playing the most epic funk and soul as the sun went down.  Im grateful for our bike ride home in the dusk to our lovely house, tired and snoozy.